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從歷史的角度出發, 中華民國開國紀念幣具有濃厚的歷史氛圍,是收藏價值不菲的革命文物,在錢幣歷史上具有深遠的紀念意義。從考古的角度出發,開國紀念幣記錄了辛亥革命漫長而驚天動地的革命歷史,見證了無數革命先烈的奮鬥,近代中國錢幣中的精品;從收藏的角度出發,隨著時間的推移,“開國紀念幣”的市場存量越來越稀少, 品相好的更是稀有無比,成為了錢幣市場的“老珍稀”藏品。






反面呈雙圈,外圈英文THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA TEN CASH,內圈中置楷書十文面值,稻穗組成的嘉禾紋,表面包漿使得錢幣如有穿上一層外衣保護著錢幣,有包漿的錢幣幾乎不再氧化能更好的收藏儲存,而且目前包漿是無法仿製的,也是鑑定新老錢幣的捷徑。










背面上緣“KIANG-SOO”,下緣“TEN CASH”,兩側各有一個實心五瓣梅花,中間一條長九尾飛龍,取九五之尊之意,為龍紋的高規格。珠圈由109個小點組成,。江蘇省造光緒元寶,以機制幣為代表的錢幣在古玩交易市場大放異彩。即便與外國古玩交易市場相比,國內市場也絲毫不遜色。珍藏者、投資者群體的知識更富厚、視野更坦蕩,錢幣鑑定也發生了深刻轉變,他們對藏品追求更苛刻,在物以稀為貴的條件下,更看重藏品的完善品相和未來價值。江蘇省光緒元寶存世量稀少,有如此品相極為難得,具有極高的收藏價值。

















英文翻譯:The double flag coin was produced in the Period of the Republic of China, and the Republic of China only existed for several decades in China. During these decades, China suffered from constant internal and external wars. Therefore, in the era of war and chaos, the coin could still be completely preserved after endless years. Well preserved, clear money inscription and pattern, obvious circulation traces, natural patina, bright copper color.

From a historical point of view, the commemorative coin of the founding of the Republic of China has a strong historical atmosphere, is a valuable collection of revolutionary cultural relics, and has far-reaching commemorative significance in the history of coins. From the perspective of archaeology, the founding coins recorded the long and earth-shaking revolutionary history of the 1911 Revolution, witnessed the struggle of countless revolutionary martyrs, the boutique of modern Chinese coins; From the perspective of collection, with the passage of time, the market stock of the "founding coins" is becoming more and more rare, and the good appearance is very rare, and it has become the "old and rare" collection in the coin market.

Founding double flag coin

Specifications: 25 mm in diameter and 7.3 grams in weight

Positive by double ring, outer ring on regular script "of the republic of China" four words, underneath, the founder of regular script, commemorative five words, about a plum flower, on one side of the inner ring double flag iron 18 flag shape using the shape of the leaves, on the other side of the five colours of the stripes on the flag can be affected by warlord COINS at the time and become fastidious up: a wavy lines.

THE reverse side is double circle, THE outer circle English THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA TEN CASH, THE inner circle is set in THE regular script TEN face value, THE grain OF rice consists OF Jiahe grain, THE surface coating makes THE coin wear a coat to protect THE coin, THE coin with coating is almost no longer oxidized can be better collected and preserved, and THE coating can not be copied at present, It's also a shortcut to identifying old and new coins.

Double-flag coins are extremely scarce. As we all know, during the Anti-Japanese War of the Republic of China for many years, a large number of bullets were needed in the war, and the best material for making bullets is the copper coins of the Republic of China, which led to a large number of copper coins of the Republic of China being destroyed and made into shell casings, making the current double-flag coins extremely rare.

Collection exquisite orz hide the tail, the coin of the founding COINS is belongs to the beginning of the republic of China, in line with the collection of "orz" is more than 2000 years after the demise of the feudal dynasty, the beginning of a democratic society, this coin patina nature, downy light, the so-called wrapped slurry is a natural formation of the oxide layer, also some people to hand wrapped slurry, the two different, but at the same time have to protect the function of money, If you feel that the coin is dirty, you can wash it with clean water, and then dry it with cotton cloth. Do not destroy the patinate. The damage to the patinate is equivalent to the damage to the protective layer. Take a close look at this coin with perfect appearance, no damage, damage, deformation and so on. It is a rare collectible copper coin. It is recommended to collect and pass on.

Guangxu Yuanbao is a coin of the Qing Dynasty, which was cast by 19 provincial bureaus. Many versions, a large number, the survival of the modern has been very few. Among them, Jiangsu province is more special. Guangxu Yuanbao, made in Jiangsu Province, is a large category of coin collection, attracting the attention of many collectors. Different versions of Guangxu Yuanbao have different flavor, especially jiangsu Province guangxu Yuanbao has become the focus of many collectors.

Jiangsu province made Guangxu ingot

Specification: diameter 3.7 mm

Guangxu Yuanbao made in Jiangsu Province, the upper edge of "Made in Jiangsu Province", both sides of the cast Manchu, the lower edge of "ten coins per yuan when making money", the middle is straight read "Guangxu Yuanbao", the center of plum blossom pattern decoration, about the Manchu coin bureau, translated into Chinese characters is "Bao Su". Separated by beads, beads are made up of 99 dots.

The upper edge of the back is "Kiang-soo", and the lower edge is "TEN CASH". There is a solid five-petal plum blossom on both sides, and a long nine-tailed flying dragon in the middle. It is the high specification of dragon pattern. It's made up of 109 dots. Guangxu yuanbao made in Jiangsu Province, the coins represented by mechanism coins shine brilliantly in the antique trading market. Even compared with foreign antique markets, the domestic market is no slouch. Collectors and investors have more rich knowledge and more broad vision, and the identification of coins has also undergone profound changes. They pursue more demanding collections, and pay more attention to the perfect appearance and future value of collections under the condition that rare things are expensive. Guangxu yuanbao in Jiangsu province is rare in quantity, so it is extremely rare in appearance and has a high collection value.

Due to the conflict of the republic of China in the qing dynasty, the copper and the most suitable materials for the bullet casings, a lot of money are fused into a shell, after the size, the local government directly recycled cartridge, people increase additional income by picking up bullet casings, never think it is the predecessor of the gold pieces copper wire, which makes the coin is rare, and popular in the authentic coppers are clear, The visible dragon pattern has always been the treasure of coin collection and has a high collection value.

Xuande furnace is a bronze censer, referred to as "Xuande furnace", designed and supervised by Zhu Zhanji, emperor Xuanzong of Ming Dynasty, in the third year of Xuande of Ming Dynasty. Xuande furnace it is the first time in Chinese history to use wind mill copper cast into copper.

In order to produce high-quality goods copper furnace, under Zhu Zhanji personally supervise, the entire production process, including copper, modelling must from broadcasting the information rich ancient figure, the archaeological figure such as books and nei secret of hundreds of ancient jun in the song dynasty and yuan dynasty, selects conforms to the applicable objects, the model makes the shape of jedaiah, drawing it into pattern, to its close browser, and to explain the source of the graph model and the origin of allusions, After screening to determine, and then cast into the physical sample for its review, satisfied with the rear quasi cast.

Xuande furnace is the first time in Chinese history to use red copper cast copper, is a group of attack red copper called wind mo copper is very rare. Emperor Xuande of the Ming Dynasty urged the production of high-quality copper furnace, which is rare in history. Xuande furnace to color as the bright spot, its color melting. This Xuande furnace is made of red copper, the bottom book "Xuande year" regular script, with the base. Its furnace body form makes neat, dunhou does not break cleverness delicate, serve as study display quite refined. In the burning of incense, the heavy sense of hundreds of years of history overflow with incense. It is full of light elements, showing the purity and beauty of the copper furnace, and the copper is excellent. And in good condition, quite precious.

Wufu holding Shouda Ming Xuande Furnace

In addition to copper, there are gold, silver and other precious materials to join, so the furnace quality is particularly delicate. General furnace charge to four refining, and Xuande furnace to 12 refining, so the furnace quality will be more pure fine, such as baby skin. The xuande furnace of gold gilt or inlay gold piece is glittering, can give a person - a different feeling of all utensils, this Xuande furnace is the dragon ear, it is a simple dragon ear, after a long time no corrosion damage, visible this product is special, with high collection value.

Xuande furnace is best in color, its color melting, from the dark in the strange light. There are more than 40 colors recorded in historical records, which are loved by the world. For example, purple belt green black like eggplant skin, called eggplant skin color; Black yellow elephant sutra paper, called sutra color; Black and white with red and light yellow, called brown; Such as the old jade earth qin color, called earth ancient color; White yellow with red like the color of apple pear, called Apple pear color, and yellow red ground, covered with colorful spots, called imitation song burning spot color; Than cinnabar also bright red spot, called erythema vermilion; Light and liver color, jujube red, amber, tea, crab shell green and so on... Ming Dynasty wanli years big connoisseur, collector, painter Xiang Yuanbian (son Beijing) said: "Xuanhu wonderful, in the treasure color connotation pearl light, Dan Dan Dan Mu mu."

Holding longevity with five blessings is a traditional auspicious pattern widely spread among Chinese people. By five bats around the word or around the peach, meaning more happiness and longevity. Bat and the word "fu" have the same pronunciation, so the five bats represent the five blessings. Five bats often surround the word shou, the custom is called "five blessings holding longevity".

The diameter is 8 cm, the cover is engraved, it is a typical holding stove. After burning incense, you hold it in your hands and smell the fragrance. It is very comfortable.

This jintong furnace for has obvious patina, open the door, at the bottom for Ming xuande years, less a horizontal DE word, was the typical features of inscriptions ssangyong around outside, and as the dragon with five claws, to Kings and emperors used, the surface status, this jintong furnace in natural light, downy light, natural light to render dizzy scattered reflection, without any light, open the door to the generation, is very rare.

Jintong furnace is the king of the incense burner, lieutenant m-sword sword is after six, and the description for all after twelve smelting furnace, which is several hundred years, no corrosion of treasures incense burner, scrutinize the patina natural jintong furnace, bottom light is downy, so-called wrapped slurry is a natural formation of the oxide layer, also some people to hand wrapped slurry, the two different, but at the same time have to protect the function of the collection, Like plating a layer of protective film to the collection, so that the collection is no longer oxidized, easy to collect handed down, if you think the censer is dirty, you can use clean water, and then dry with cotton cloth, do not destroy the pulp, the damage of the pulp is equivalent to the destruction of the protective layer, more importantly, the pulp is the identification of the new and old collection of the most simple and effective method. Take a closer look at this Xuande furnace with perfect appearance, no damage, damage, deformation and so on. It is a rare collectible censer, and the five-claw dragon pattern has a noble identity and should be handed down as a treasure.

分類: 收藏
時間: 2021-09-19



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