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烏金釉 它是黑釉中最瑩亮的一種。明代成化年間,景德鎮的藝人在宋代黑釉的基礎上發展烏金釉,但當時燒成極不穩定,也不流行。清代康熙時,烏金釉精製於督陶官臧應選,雍正、乾隆年間,唐英親手參與了工藝製作,仿製了烏金釉等產品。景德鎮傳統烏金釉是用當地產的一種烏金土配製而成,20世紀肋年代以後,景德鎮還採用工業廢料或化工原料生產出非常豔麗的烏金釉,比歷史上的烏金黑度與亮度都有提高。






























英文翻譯:Black gold glaze: name of porcelain glaze. It began in the Chenghua period of Ming Dynasty and was represented by the works of Kangxi Dynasty of Qing Dynasty. Later evolved to bronze, ink brown and iron brown. Material has two kinds of pure black and black color: pure black is one color; Black ground color is painted on the black ground, with yellow, green and purple colors. It is a pure black glaze made by jingdezhen porcelain workers with 13.4% iron content of black gold earth. The difference between wujin glaze and general black glaze is that it contains manganese, cobalt and other elements in addition to iron. The black gold glaze produced by imperial kiln factory in qing Dynasty has two kinds: black ground white flower and black ground tracing gold. Wujin glaze is delicate and bright as a mirror. It is a rare product in black glazed porcelain. Wujin glaze is one of the precious colored glazes in China. It is developed on the basis of kiln construction and black ding. However, it is very different from the above mentioned phenomena of transparency loss of tianmu glaze, and it is a bright black glaze like black paint. Wujin glaze in the Qing Kangqian years, very popular, and wujin plus pure gold and Wujin plus gold pattern light painting pastel and other comprehensive decoration.

Black gold glaze it is one of the most jade-like black glaze. During the Chenghua period of the Ming Dynasty, artists in Jingdezhen developed wujin glaze based on the black glaze of the Song Dynasty, but the firing was extremely unstable and not popular at that time. During the Reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, Wujin glaze was refined by Zang Yingxuan, the governor of pottery. During the reign of Emperor Yongzheng and Emperor Qianlong, Tang Ying personally participated in the process and imitated Wujin glaze and other products. Jingdezhen traditional black gold glaze is made of a local black gold soil. After the 20th century, Jingdezhen also uses industrial waste or chemical raw materials to produce very bright black gold glaze, which has improved the blackness and brightness of black gold in history.

Black gold glaze five color dragon pattern furnace

The five-claw dragon is the symbol of The Chinese emperor. In ancient times, it could only be used by the emperor, so it is the most noble.

In the Zhou Dynasty, there was a saying of "the emperor with five claws, the princes with four claws, and the doctor with three claws". In the Qing Dynasty, there was a saying of "the seven dragons with five claws and the python with four claws". Before the Yuan Dynasty, the dragon was basically three-clawed, sometimes the first two legs were three-clawed, and the last two legs were four-clawed. Ming dynasty popular four-claw dragon, qing Dynasty is five-claw dragon.

The saying of "five-claw for dragon, four-claw for python" was formed in the Qing Dynasty, mainly as the difference between the emperor and his subordinates' clothing decoration. The emperor wore "dragon robe", while other royal families and his subordinates wore "python robe", but this is only the difference in name. In terms of the form of the dragon, both the dragon and the python are quadruped snakes with no difference in shape.

Five claw dragon is actually actually five toes, not five claw, gold dragon is the symbol of the Emperor of China, in the feudal society can only be used by the emperor. Other royal and local people who need to use the dragon form can only use the four-claw dragon.

This furnace is the Xuande year of the Ming Dynasty, wujin glaze surface drawing low temperature glaze firing, neck three-color beads like inlaid gemstones, and the ear, for the official hat ear, painting ruyi ganoderma grain, shape like ruyi, and ganoderma, painting with branches and leaves, very interesting, for ruyi longevity.

You can see the tri-color flame pattern, shaped like tadpoles gathered together, like a family, and three colors, also meaning for fu Lu shou, the whole vessel is bronze vessel, painting with the noble five-claw fire dragon, surrounded by flame pattern, it can be seen that its price is not cheap.

The mouth edge of a circle of beads decoration, is to play a similar gem ornament effect, visible at the edge of the thick glaze, no deglaze leakage phenomenon, belongs to the fine porcelain.

From the bottom, it looks like an elephant. The elephant is a lucky thing in ancient times. Combined with ruyi flowers on the ear of the official hat, it means auspicious (elephant).

Sharply glaze in xuande emperor peak, this furnace adopts the most visible bright three colors, red yellow green, with sharply glaze bright black for ground, the visual conflict is extremely strong, like a piece of black jade, drawing on the beauty of the rainbow, the furnace with three legs, not only considered a lucky, picture to admire the resistance, and the dragon with five claws expensive, has inestimable value for collection.

Xiao-you zhang

Born in 1935 in Ningbo, Zhejiang province, Shanghai. Young bingjia, in the epic painting epigraph deep attements. He graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1959 and is now a professor of Chinese painting at the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University (formerly the Central Academy of Fine Arts) and a member of the Expert Committee of The Chinese Collectors Association.

Since the 1980s, he has specialized in Chinese meticulous brushwork, and his brushwork "Dunhuang Buddha Scroll" and other works are widely spread at home and abroad, and many foreign art museums are specially collected. Its meticulous landscape painting, pavilion boundary painting, figure painting, the structure is grand, and subtle, deep traditional skills; Combining the light and dark color and perspective of western painting, blending Chinese and Western, it is its own family. His representative work Fanlou Night Market is praised as a masterpiece by many media and rarely seen in decades. His works are often accumulated for many years, months into a painting. His main works include Wu Yuan Palace View, Levant Summer Vacation, landscape painting Li Bai Qiu Pu Gao Hui, Dong Xian Song, figure painting Qing Ping Music, Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea, and long scroll painting Spring River And Moonlight Night, Genghis Khan's War Atlas (now in an art museum in Japan), Old Dream of Nanxiang, etc.

Old Dreams in the South

This painting "Old Dream of Nanxiang" is a volume of "Jiangnan and Republic of China style record" drawn by the painter based on his childhood memories. Its historical and artistic value is comparable to Zhang Zeduan's "Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival". The picture shows us the life scenes beyond time and space of the water towns in The South of the Yangtze River a hundred years ago. In the composition, we take the layout features of the panoramic mountains and rivers in the Northern Song Dynasty, with a broad vision and a grand boundary and a strong contrast of density.

The painted rivers, rocks, trees, pavilions, markets and so on are all beautiful and elegant in ink, and the characters are vividly depicted and full of vitality. In the picture, strong li Ming ya, outline, texturing dyed fine. Row upon row of houses and pavilions, sequentially stacked, resulting in a misty and secluded space, showing the secular bustle and illusory fairyland atmosphere on earth. The figure is the main part of the painting, the painter through the method of color foil to make the figure is very prominent, fully reflects the author's profound artistic skills in the characterization and scene description.

About the text description of "Old Dreams in Southern Township"

Most pity night by the river window, the day pale like a dream frost moon. Bridge port 100 qing like jade, painting boat soft sculls out of you port.

Yu Jiangnan ancestral house, facing the street pillow river. Loquat Gate Lane. Autumn is golden. Xuan Windows are green. When one can read, one can fish. A case of escaping, shifting temporarily outside the west gate. And long, lack of use of the world, tied around. At the end of the industry danqing, poetry and painting wandering, drifting thousands of miles, more than in the lake and mountain water. The rest of my life is too late. It has been twenty-four years since the death of the former Qing Dynasty. However, taste and waste emperor travel to the Western hills, sit back valley, drink water spring, more than mother peel tea eggs to eat. When the famine, together sigh in silence. It has been nearly fifty years. Life calendar read in the surplus to see, one hundred years of scenery, people do not see, unreal spin. The old fox waddle, still go to the first hill, tianya guest think, how much more people!

"Nanxiang Old Dream Map" depicts the scene in the author's memory of his childhood jiangnan hometown. The author completed this long painting with two years of skill, which can be described as the peak work. It requires a lot of energy and two years of painstaking efforts, and it is an absolute treasure handed down from generation to generation with immeasurable collection value.

分類: 收藏
時間: 2021-09-16



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