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青花瓷(blue and white porcelain),又稱白地青花瓷,常簡稱青花,是中國瓷器的主流品種之一,屬釉下彩瓷。青花瓷是用含氧化鈷的鈷礦為原料,在陶瓷坯體上描繪紋飾,再罩上一層透明釉,經高溫還原焰一次燒成。鈷料燒成後呈藍色,具有著色力強、髮色鮮豔、燒成率高、呈色穩定的特點。原始青花瓷於唐宋已見端倪,成熟的青花瓷則出現在元代景德鎮的湖田窯。明代青花成為瓷器的主流。清康熙時發展到了頂峰。明清時期,還創燒了青花五彩、孔雀綠釉青花、豆青釉青花、青花紅彩、黃地青花、哥釉青花等衍生品種。












英文翻譯:Ding kiln is one of the treasures of traditional Porcelain making in China. It is one of the six kiln systems in song Dynasty. It is a major porcelain kiln system that arose after xing kiln white porcelain in Tang Dynasty. The main producing area in today's Baoding City, Hebei Province, Quyang County (the original is now dingzhou City) jianchi village, Yebei village and east Yanchuan village, West Yanchuan village area, because the area during the Tang and Song dynasties is under the jurisdiction of Dingzhou, so the name of dingyao.

Ding kiln was originally a civilian kiln. In the middle and late Period of the Northern Song Dynasty, porcelain for the court began to be fired. It was created in the Tang Dynasty, flourished in the Northern Song Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty, and finally in the Yuan Dynasty. It was famous for producing white porcelain, and also burned black glaze, sauce glaze and green glaze porcelain, which were respectively called "black ding", "purple ding" and "green Ding" in literature.

Ding kiln came from Xing Kiln. Due to historical changes, ding kiln changed with the region, the application of new porcelain clay and the progress of porcelain making technology. Bian xianghe believed that dingyao's greatest contribution was to shine in the history of the development of Chinese ceramics, leaving a brilliant page in the history of Chinese ceramics and the development of ceramics in the world.

Fixed kiln rosette ewer

Ding Kiln, the center of white porcelain in northern China, began in the Tang Dynasty and was the successor of Xing Kiln, which was developed in the Five Dynasties. In 1938, the ancient kiln site was found in Jianci Village, Quyang County, Hebei Province. In recent years, many excavations and investigations have found fragments of the late Tang dynasty in the lowest layer; In the middle, the five generations were already mass-produced; The top layer is a thin piece of porcelain with printing and flower painting, which belongs to the period of Zhenghe and Xuanhe after the middle of the Northern Song Dynasty. These thin tiles, with firm viaduct, glossy glaze and graceful patterns, are indeed a very advanced variety; And some are the nature of the imperial kiln, such as "Shang Food bureau, ban Yuan, Fenghua, guan" and other carved on the discovery of broken pieces, it can be proved. In addition, piles of coarse porcelain pieces were found in the Western Yanshan site, as well as porcelain and fragments of ding kiln widely found all over the country, which proves that ding kiln also fired a large number of porcelain for folk use after the early Northern Song Dynasty. Ding kiln mainly produces white porcelain, but also colored glazes, such as red ding, purple ding and black ding. According to "jun youhui - xinmin kiln" records, ding kiln, from the Northern Song Dynasty, the status of the increase, the imitation of many around. In the concept of ding kiln itself, there are various names of breeding milk, only a white, there are soil and powder. There are two kinds of clay and clay. Tile fetus is light red soil, pottery fetus is white soil and slightly yellow, loose quality, thicker body; The sleeve color is white, shining yellow or red, easy to peel off, or there are large open pieces, it is the original and civilian fixed device. Powder set, is a progressive and official set, with pottery and porcelain fetuses, dense and thin body, glaze color pure white as milk, or with light red, often brush lines in the glaze, glaze condensation, such as tears.

Fixed kiln ware is loved by people for its colorful pattern decoration. Decorative techniques are mainly white glaze printing, white glaze carving and white glaze drawing, as well as white glaze picking flowers and gold color tracing flowers, beautiful and elegant patterns. In the early northern Song Dynasty, the ding kiln was decorated with the beauty of bas-relief, with the pattern of heavy lotus petals as the classic. In the middle and late Northern Song Dynasty, the engraved decoration is exquisite and unique. Decorative patterns are often printed, scratched and piled flowers, beautiful and elegant. Printing pattern, natural form by clever deformation, constitute rigorous; Engraved flowers, more lively and vivid than printing, have a unique style. This porcelain is a typical fixed kiln ware of the Tang Dynasty, with heavy lotus petal pattern on the bottom. After thousands of years, it still looks like new. As the saying goes, if old ware is new, it is a treasure.

Blue and white porcelain, also known as blue and white porcelain, is one of the mainstream varieties of Chinese porcelain. It is an under-glaze porcelain. Blue and white porcelain is made of cobalt ore containing cobalt oxide as raw material. It is painted on the ceramic body and then covered with a layer of transparent glaze. It is fired by a high temperature reduction flame. Cobalt material is blue after firing, with strong coloring power, bright hair color, high firing rate, color stability. The original blue and white porcelain appeared in the Tang and Song dynasties, while the mature blue and white porcelain appeared in the Hutian kiln of Jingdezhen in the Yuan Dynasty. Blue and white porcelain became the mainstream in Ming Dynasty. It reached its peak during the Reign of Emperor Kangxi of qing Dynasty. The Ming and Qing dynasties, also created the blue and white colorful, peacock green glaze blue and white, bean green glaze blue and white, blue and white red color, yellow blue and white, brother glaze blue and white and other derivatives.

Xuande blue and white twining kwai pattern dragon and phoenix plate

Foot sign for the Ming Xuande year, the circle has oxidation characteristics, full sense of the age, double circle foot shape like yubi, polite day blessing.

The blue and white porcelain produced by jingdezhen Royal Kiln Factory during the Xuande Period of Ming Dynasty (1426-1435 AD, the year of Zhu Zhanji, Emperor Xuanzong of Ming Dynasty) played a very important role in the development of Chinese ceramics. It is famous for its simple and elegant shape, glittering and translucent gorgeous glaze, colorful decoration, compared with other dynasties of blue and white porcelain, its firing technology reached the highest peak, become one of China's famous porcelain products, its achievement was praised as "the opening generation has not been strange". "Jingdezhen pottery record" evaluation xuande porcelain: "all materials know fine, blue and white most expensive."

Very rare blue tie up branch kwai grain longfeng, bloom early autumn, the color light yellow, thin like a house of gold horse, natural fragrance, a sunset north Korea opened trichet said, so pity to all previous dynasties scholars and repeat chi love, through the plant room adjacent to the company, to see the beauty of longfeng pattern symbol among beautiful love, edge to make the small gap, very image, is a dish, So the appearance is perfect.

Visible thick glaze appears obvious tin spot phenomenon, light reflection is diffuse luster, these characteristics all reflect its age identity.

"Imported green material is high iron and low manganese, fired blue and white, with rich color, black spots, flashing like lead in the black concentrated place, commonly known as' tin light 'or' iron rust spot '." Generally speaking, su Ma green material at high temperature to produce condensed spots, condensed spots and tin spots, can be said to be the root of tin spots.

Visible blue LanYan cui li, rich layers, color is politics and to the western seas, back to import Sue ma from green material fire, in line with the characteristics of jintong of blue and white, blue and white picture color shades, blue and white halo powder, picture extremely vivid and natural, no matter from any Angle to appreciate is a sensibility, blue and white porcelain is the best performance splash-ink landscape painting of China, it is the other porcelain can't do, So most Chinese wind of blue and white porcelain, most can reflect the best carrier of Chinese landscape painting art, China this word is the meaning of the Chinese is known to all, but the meaning of this word is the earliest porcelain, because the country is referred to as Chinese porcelain, is our country porcelain, the influence of art has become a foreign card, At that time, the most exported porcelain is blue and white porcelain. This blue and white porcelain is old when it opens the door, and its painting is exquisite. To sum up, it is a very rare collection, which is easy to get and hard to find.

分類: 收藏
時間: 2021-09-17



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