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英文翻譯:Xianfeng Heavy treasure is a kind of copper coin. This kind of copper coin is very exquisite, with clear and deep handsome handwriting, fine copper material, light red or yellow, and exquisite money, without any slippiness, slightly larger and heavier than the money circulating in the same edition.

The casting material of Xianfeng Heavy treasure is mainly brass, and there have been coins made of iron coins and other materials. In addition, there is a palace coin made of gold, silver, tortoiseshell, white copper and other materials. It is larger in shape and thicker in money body. It belongs to the royal festival money. The official version is made of 75% copper, 20% zinc, 3% tin and other materials. The mother money contains higher purity copper.

Xianfeng Heavy treasure dragon and phoenix pattern money: weight 161 grams, diameter 66.2mm

The front side of this "Xianfeng Heavy treasure" coin is engraved with the words "Xianfeng Heavy treasure", which is clear and vigorous. View of its cast, cast orderly, the edge is round, flat chapter, wearing edge clean, excellent foundry, but also show the word profile deep tall and straight, refined add. Appreciate its qian wen, it can be seen that xianfeng Chongbao's unique font end beautiful bright eye, very tolerant!

This xianfeng heavy treasure is a rare money, the front dragon and phoenix lines represent a good love, gold and jade marriage, the back is when fifty specifications, about the manwen Mint, this kind of money is suitable for wedding gift money, with a good blessing implication, circulation is very few, has a high collection value.

Money originated from the Han Dynasty. When money was used in the early stage, it was mainly a kind of playing money for Chinese people to amuse themselves. This kind of money is not circulating money, so its material is mostly rough, and Chinese people commonly call this kind of money "money". Although "spending money" has the form of money, it is not used for circulation and is the "non-positive things" in money.

This coin patina nature, the bottom light is downy, so-called wrapped slurry is a natural formation of the oxide layer, also some people to hand wrapped slurry, the two different, but at the same time have to protect the function of money, like a plated coin on a layer of protective film, make money no longer oxidation, facilitate collection handed down from ancient times, if feel money is dirty, can wash, reoccupy cloth wipe, do not destroy the wrapped slurry, The destruction of patina is equivalent to the destruction of the protective layer, and more importantly, patina is the simplest and effective way to identify new and old coins. Take a closer look at this coin with perfect appearance, no damage, damage, deformation and so on. It is a rare collectible copper coin. It is recommended to collect and pass down.

Jingkang Tongbao is one of the ancient Chinese coins. It was cast during the Qin Emperor period of the Northern Song Dynasty and is a national first-class cultural relic. Jingkang Tongbao coins are made of copper, iron and silver. Due to the collapse of the Northern Song Dynasty, the circulation of coins minted with jingkang year name is very small, and the number of coins is extremely rare both from the point of view of passing down and being unearthed.

Jingkang Tongbao, weight.6.5 grams, diameter, 23.7mm

As the first kind of official coins in the Song Dynasty, Jingkang Tongbao can survive for a very short time, which can be seen from the side that the ruling class in the Song Dynasty has gone downhill. It was formed by Zhao Huan, Emperor Qinzong of the Song Dynasty, during the reign of Jingkang (1126 ~ 1127). At the end of the Northern Song Dynasty, the Song and Jin signed the "Maritime Alliance" to jointly destroy the Liao. In October 1125, in the seventh year of Xuanhe, Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty, the Jin people broke the alliance and invaded the Song in a large scale, reaching Bianjing (today's Kaifeng, Henan Province). At this time, Huizong of song was in a panic. He issued a "sin Self-edict" to win over the people and ordered troops from all over the country to serve the king in Beijing. At the same time, zen to prince Zhao Huan, in the next year to change the year name for Jingkang, containing "Jing difficult an chaos, Kang Ning Zhaomin" meaning.

The Jingkang money made by Qin Zong is the last one in the Northern Song Dynasty. There are yuanbao, Tongbao points, and most seal characters, li in pairs, currency system has xiaoping, fold two, fold three kinds. Due to the continuous war during the Reign of Jingkang, the imperial court was too tired to deal with the invasion of jin People from the south to worry about casting money. In addition, the casting period is short and the casting amount is small, so far it has been very rare. Jingkang money can be said to be famous spring, in addition to the yuan bao fold two big sample, more than are rare. Especially "Jingkang Tongbao" money, more rare, was listed as one of the 50 ancient springs.

"Jingkang Tong Bao" fold two real book money, also for the spectrum of things. Which wear thick meat, big characters, and breathtaking view; His money painting meticulous, font structure square symmetry. This format is slightly different from the "real book big character" in the spectrum, which is written at the bottom of the green part on the right of the word "Jing", such as the word "Dan"; In general, this kind of jingkang money is more common in seal script, and both official and real books are written in accordance with the conventional "month". Its appearance is excellent, rust color is very beautiful, its shape is very standard, face back wear guo is quite zhouzheng, can be called a first-class, with immeasurable collection value.

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時間: 2021-10-08



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