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為什麼說商譽是併購的“灰犀牛”?Why is goodwill a danger in M&A?

黑天鵝 VS 灰犀牛 Black Swan VS Grey Rhino


"Black swan" refers to events that have a low probability of occurrence, are extremely rare and unpredictable.


The concept of "black swan" comes from Nassim Taleb's "Black Swan: How to Deal with the Unpredictable Future". The risk of black swan exists objectively. You may not realize it, it will happen suddenly, and it will cause a huge impact. Like this new crown epidemic, it is a black swan risk, which is placed on people. For example, accidents and sudden diseases are black swan risks


"Gray rhino" refers to those high-probability risk events that often happen in front of your eyes but are not fully valued.


The concept of "Gray Rhinoceros" was proposed by the famous scholar Michel Walker in a book called "Gray Rhinoceros: How to Deal with High Probability Crisis". The gray rhino is large in size and often gives people the illusion of slow movement and stupid posture. If you see it on the African grasslands, you usually don't feel scared. But in fact, gray rhinos are very lethal, and once they attack, the consequences are very serious. But we are often confused by its appearance and underestimate its risks.

什麼是商譽?What is Goodwill?


Article 13 of the 2006 "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 20" stipulates that "the difference between the purchaser's merger cost and the fair value of the acquiree's identifiable net assets obtained in the merger shall be recognized as goodwill".


In short: if the purchase price is higher than the other's book value, the difference between the two is goodwill. Goodwill is an asset class on financial statements.


Suppose today that the buyer’s company acquired a company with a book value of only 1 billion yuan, but actually paid a purchase price of 3 billion yuan. Why is the buyer company willing to pay an extra 2 billion yuan? Because the company has many valuable intangible assets, such as brand, social relations, teamwork capabilities, etc., these resources are more than the assets seen in the financial statements. The buyer company expects that these resources will bring itself more than 2 billion yuan in value in the future, so it is willing to pay an additional 2 billion yuan for this merger.


The size of goodwill is related to the buyer's judgment on the future prospects of the acquired company. The more optimistic about the acquired company and the greater the value it can create in the future, the higher the acquisition premium and the more goodwill formed on the books.

為什麼商譽是灰犀牛? Why is goodwill a gray rhino?


Why is it said that goodwill is the "gray rhino" in corporate M&A activities? Because there is a risk of a sharp depreciation of goodwill after a thunderstorm.


Once a thunderstorm causes the acquired company to incur substantial losses and fall into crisis. Some companies even lost their market value due to a thunderstorm of goodwill.


For example, “Shengyun Environmental” has a market value of 2.3 billion yuan. In 2018, it lost 2.5 billion yuan due to goodwill, which exceeded the company's market value. Nanning Sugar, with a market value of 1.7 billion yuan, lost 1.39 billion yuan in 2018 due to goodwill.

為什麼商譽會暴雷? Why is goodwill significantly impaired?


Because goodwill is estimated based on the judgment of the acquired company's future, it is very subjective.


When it is later discovered that the acquired company is not reliable, there will be a goodwill thunder.


For example, in the previous example, I expected the acquired company to create 2 billion worth of value for me in the future. However, a few years later, when I discovered that this company could not bring 2 billion, the company’s goodwill was not worth it. 2 billion. At this time, the accounting requires the enterprise to conduct a treatment called impairment of goodwill.

針對商譽收購雙方是如何博弈的?How do the two parties compete for the acquisition of goodwill?


Before the acquisition, in order to protect itself, the acquirer generally first signs a 3-4 year performance betting agreement, which means that the acquired company is required to meet a certain performance standard every year.


If it is not met, the other party needs to make stock or cash compensation for the acquired company to agree to this condition before it is willing to pay the consideration for the equity.


Both parties have their own plans. Some companies just look at the present and ignore the future. In order to be able to sell at a high price, they will make extremely high commitments to their performance in the next few years.


This is actually a big hole for the buyer's company. This is because research has found that the acquired company tends to survive the performance commitment period as much as possible, but there will be a "big face change" in the subsequent performance. Of course, there are also acquired parties that can't handle it, and even the commitment period is not over, and it has already gone bankrupt. The buyer's company will have to carry out a huge impairment of goodwill for this purpose.


In June 2017, Ningbo Dongli announced the acquisition of Shenzhen Nianfu Supply Chain. Nianfu Supply Chain Company used to be very prosperous. It was a key logistics company in Shenzhen and one of China's top 500 private enterprises. Ningbo Dongli saw that this company was so powerful, so even though the net asset book value of the supply chain for the rich at that time was only 270 million yuan, Ningbo Dongli spent 2.1 billion yuan on the acquisition, which is 1.8 billion yuan in goodwill.


At that time, the two companies also conducted a performance gambling. As a result, unexpectedly, the honeymoon period hadn't ended yet, and an accident would come. Nianfu's supply chain was exposed to large-scale financial fraud to conceal real performance, the company's legal person and a group of executives were arrested, and the company declared bankruptcy. The goodwill thunder of Nianfu’s supply chain caused Ningbo Dongli’s share price to suffer a cumulative decline of 20%. The company originally expected a net profit of 110 million to 140 million yuan in the first half of 2018. The drag actually produced a loss of 3.15 billion yuan.


High valuation and high premium mergers and acquisitions are the root causes of goodwill impairment. But the valuation of goodwill is like a gray rhino. Although it comes slowly, it has a high probability of occurrence and is extremely lethal.


In the process of mergers and acquisitions, the buyer company needs to judge the financial situation of the acquired company, the external market environment and competition at the time of the acquisition, and the relationship between the acquired party and the acquirer to determine the possibility of goodwill impairment.

分類: 國際
時間: 2021-10-29



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