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作者: 愛霞


Recently, scientific researcher Xinghong Wang published an article in the field of physics studying the acceleration process of cosmic ray particles inside solar system by the gravitational field of the sun. The conclusion of this scientific research article fundamentally questions the mass-velocity relation of special relativity. It therefore shakes the entire system of special relativity.



The so-called "mass velocity relation" means that according to the special relativity, the mass of matter is not invariable, but changes with the speed. If the mass of an object at rest is 1 kg, the mass of the object will increase after accelerating it. The corresponding relationship between specific speed and mass is basically shown in the following table:



The "mass-velocity relation" of special relativity as shown in the above table is recognized by the current scientific community as a verified and correct theory. The most well-know proof of the mass and speed relationship is that current accelerators can not accelerate particles to be faster than the speed of light. When using accelerators to accelerate particles, no matter how powerful the accelerators are, the speed of the particles can only approach the speed of light but can never reach the speed of light, let alone surpassing the speed of light. Because according to special relativity "mass-velocity relation" , when a static particles is accelerated, the acceleration is very quick due to its tiny mass(tiny inertia); when the speed of the particle increases, its mass and inertia also increase, thus the acceleration becomes more difficult; When the particle is accelerated to be close to the speed of light, its mass (inertia) will become very huge, so the acceleration force is relatively extremely small and negligible compared with its mass (inertia), so the increase of particle speed becomes so slow as to be close to zero. As a result, the speed of the particle will always be lower than the speed of light.


This is like using a locomotive to pull a wagon. If a locomotive pulls one wagon(dozens of tons), the speed can be increased quickly; But when a locomotive pulls a thousand wagons(tens of thousands of tons), the speed increases very slowly; If you use a locomotive to pull a mountain (hundreds of millions of tons), the speed increase is particularly tiny; If a locomotive is used to pull the whole earth (thousands of billions of billions of tons), the acceleration of the earth by the locomotive is negligible because the pulling force of the locomotive is too small, and the mass and inertia of the earth are too large, thus the speed increase is almost zero.



From this point of view, the "mass-velocity relation" of special relativity is indeed reasonable. However, through the study of high-speed cosmic rays particles, Wang Xinghong found the problem of "mass-velocity relation".

It is a well know fact that, in the space, there are many cosmic ray particles travelling at very very high speeds and that the travelling directions of cosmic rays particles are essentially randomized. Thus, there must be many cosmic ray particles travelling through earth orbit towards the sun at speeds no lower than 99.99999999% speed of light each year.


By studying such cosmic ray particles, Wang Xinghong discovered that these particles move toward the sun, so they are bound to be affected by the sun's gravitational force and, as a result, their speed will increase. After the cosmic ray particles are accelerated by the sun's gravity, the mass of the cosmic ray particles increases due to the "mass-velocity relation". According to the law of universal gravitation, the sun’s gravitational force towards the cosmic ray particles also increases. This is to say, because the particle’s mass (inertia) increases, the acceleration becomes more difficult; but the acceleration force (gravitational force) also increases simultaneously, so the acceleration becomes easier. After considering both the increase of the mass(inertia) and the increase of the acceleration force, the overall effect is that the special relativity "mass-velocity relation" has no effect on this acceleration process.


We can still use the analogy of locomotive pulling wagon. In the beginning, it is one locomotive pulling one wagon, so the acceleration is easy. Later, the number of wagon increases from one wagon to one thousand wagons. But the number of locomotives also increases from one locomotive to one thousand locomotives. Thus, the acceleration is still easy. Then, the number of wagons increases to be very huge.For example, the weight of total wagons are as heavy as the earth(thousands of billions of billions of tons). But the number of locomotives also increases proportionally so that there are hundred of billions of billions locomotives. On average, one locomotive still pulls one wagon, so the acceleration is still easy.



Thus when we calculate a particle moving through earth orbit towards the sun, if the speed of it is 99.99999999% speed of light when at earth orbit, we can find that, according to calculation, the acceleration of the particle will always be no lower than 5.96×10-3m/s2.

This means, after every 1 second, the speed of the particle will increase by at least 5.96×10-3m/s. Thus, when it travels to the sun, the particle will be very easily accelerated by the sun to be extremely close to the speed of light so that its mass will be much bigger than the sun, the whole solar system, our galaxy, or even the whole universe.



In addition, we can also find that nothing will prevent this particle from being further accelerated to be faster than the speed of light. Because no matter how huge its mass becomes, it will still be attracted by the gravity of the sun and be further accelerated at INCREASING rate. Its acceleration has nothing to do with its enormously increased mass.

As a result, the speed of this particle will surpass light speed after at most 5.1 seconds when it travels towards the sun.

具體運算過程為:因為粒子在地球軌道附近的初始速度為99.99999999%光速,光速為299792458米每秒,所以粒子的初始速度為299792458× 99.99999999%=299792457.970021米每秒。而粒子的速度至少每秒增加5.96×10-3m/s。所以,5.1秒後粒子的速度至少為:299792457.970021+5.1×5.96×10-3 =299792458.000417m/s。該速度大於光速(299792458m/s)!

The calculation process is as follows:

Because the particle’s speed(“initial speed”) is 99.99999999% light speed when near earth orbit, and the speed of light is 299792458m/s, so the “initial speed” of the particle is 299792458×99.99999999%=299792457.970021m/s. Because we already know that after every 1 second, the speed of the particle will increase by at least 5.96×10-3m/s. So, 5.1 seconds after this particle travels towards the sun, its speed will become no lower than: “initial speed” + “speed increase” =299792457.970021 +5.1×5.96×10-3=299792458.000417m/s. This is faster than speed of light!




This is to say, based on Xinghong Wang’s study, if special relativity is correct, there will be two conclusions:

Firstly, before reaching the speed of light, the mass of the cosmic ray particle will become infinitely huge. It will be countless billions of times bigger than the mass of entire universe. This is apparently absurd and unrealistic and untrue. Because if it were true, it would have already happened before. But it never happened.

Secondly, this particle will be continuously accelerated to very quickly become faster than the speed of light. This is also against the basic postulate of the theory of relativity. Nowadays, it is generally accepted in the scientific community that the speed of all particles cannot exceed the speed of light.


Thus this study by Xinghong Wang seems sufficient to disprove the mass(momentum/energy)-velocity relation of special relativity. Because the mass(momentum/energy)-velocity relation uses the same scientific logic as that of special relativity length-shrinkage and special relativity time-dilation, length-shrinkage and time-dilation of special relativity should probably also be untrue.


This scientific research achievement by Xinghong Wang has already been published on international journal and owned relevant intellectual property. He has also published other articles which questions special relativity time-dilation etc.


Moreover, Wang Xinghong's previously published scientific research achievements also include an explanation for the accelerated expansion of the universe. In his research article, Wang Xinghong first proposed through calculation that the total expansion forces caused by the radiation pressure of stars in the universe is actually larger than the total contraction force caused by gravity inside universe.

For all the stars inside universe, their radiation pressure forces cause the universe to expand, and their gravitational forces cause the universe to contract. After calculation, Xinghong Wang found that the total radiation pressure forces inside the universe are bigger than the total gravitational forces. Thus the universe must expand at accelerating rates. The calculation process is not complicated. A rough calculation proves that the total radiation pressure forces of stars are several times bigger than the total gravitational forces. A more accurate calculation taking the sun as example shows: total radiation pressure forces÷total gravitational forces=6.425. That is, for stars like the sun, their total radiation pressure forces are 5.425 times greater than their total gravitational forces towards the entire universe.



Calculation process is as follows:




We already know that the pressure exerted by sunlight on objects at 1 AU from the sun is(When the light is fully reflected): p = 9.06N/km2.

And the total area of the surface of the virtual ball with radius of 1AU is roughly: S=4πr²=4×3.14×1.5×108 ×1.5×108 =2.8×1017km2.

So the total force of pressure of sunlight Fpressure=p×S=2.54×1018N.


And, the current sun is in the stage of main-sequence star of its life time with a current age of 4.5 billion years. After 5 billion years when it’s main-sequence star stage come to an end, it will become a red giant star which will last for 2 billion years with the brightness 3000 times larger than it is now.


So the average radiation pressure force of the sun throughout its life time can be roughly:

Ftotal pressure=(Fpressure×(45億+50億)+Fpressure×3000×20億)/(45億+50億+20億)


=(24.13×1018N+ 15240×1018N)/115=1.33×1021N

Ftotal pressure= (Fpressure × (4.5 billion years + 5 billion years) + Fpressure × 3000 × 2 billion years) / (4.5 billion years + 5 billion years + 2 billion years) = (2.54 × 1018N × (4.5+5) + 2.54 × 1018N × 3000×2) / (4.5+5+2) =1.33 × 1021N

而已知宇宙半徑為4.4x1026米,太陽質量Msun 為 2×1030kg,宇宙總質量Muniverse 為1×1053kg,所以,經過把宇宙分割成無數個以太陽為中心的球殼體(spherical shell),進行積分運算,可得,太陽對整個宇宙的萬有引力總和為:

Whereas the total mass of the sun Msun is 2×1030kg, the total mass of the universe Muniverse is 1×1053kg, and the radius of the universe R is approximately 4.4×1026m. At astronomical level, mass of the universe can be seen as evenly distributed. Thus the sun’s total gravitational pull towards the entire universe, excluding nearby galaxies, can be calculated by dividing universe into infinite numbers of 3-dimensional spherical shells like onions and then performing integral calculation to find the total value:


進行比較,發現,Ftotal pressure/Funiverse=1.33×1021N/2.067×1020N=6.425. 所以,在宇宙中,太陽這樣的恆星其總輻射壓力比總萬有引力大5.425倍。

And, Ftotal pressure/Funiverse=1.33×1021N/2.07×1020N=6.425. So, for stars like the sun, their average total radiation pressure force is 5.425 times larger than their total gravitational pulling force towards the entire universe (excluding nearby galaxies).


In fact, the sun itself is a small/medium mass star, the radiation pressure of a larger mass star will be many times bigger than that of the sun. After taking into account of relevant data, it can be found that the ratio of total radiation pressure in the universe vs total gravity will be bigger than 6.425.



Therefore, even if there is no so-called "dark energy", the universe will still expand at accelerating rates because of radiation pressure forces. This innovative scientific research achievement proves that there is no foundation for the existence of "space expansion" theory and "dark energy" which were believed by many people, and has important practical and scientific significance for the research on the origin, development and evolution process and current age of the universe.


For this time, the scientific research achievements about the process of cosmic ray particles being accelerated by gravitational field have touched the core of the theoretical system of special relativity and shaken the mass-velocity relation of special relativity. It is expected that this achievement will soon receive recognition and approval from the mainstream scientific community and the public.

分類: 科學
時間: 2021-10-07


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