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How is the Chinese food Americans eat different from the food eaten in China, and when and how did the changes happen? What do Chinese people think of American Chinese food?


Joseph Wang
Most of the changes seem to be made to adapt Chinese food to middle class American tastes and the fast food environment. Lots of sauces, lots of sugar, heavy on the meat. Everything is fried.
One very odd thing is that there are cuisines that are more similar to Chinese food than American-Chinese food. My wife would buy food in the Hispanic part of Austin, Texas because that food was more similar to Taiwanese food than what you’d find in a American Chinese restaurant. My father would take food trips to the African-American part of town for the same reason.
A lot of this has to do with cooking techniques. The people I know who ran Chinese restaurants for Americans ended up cooking food like McDonalds because that’s what people wanted and it made money.

Honghao Bi
500 years ago, chili peppers were taken back from the new world and introduced into China. Chinese started to make spicy dishes. Today, Chinese are running restaurant in America famous for spicy food.
There are many opinions about American Chinese food, but I guess I am the open-minded Chinese.
It's true that American Chinese food is just Chinese style American food, and it tastes like deep-fried sugar. But I don't think it's a joke. Actually, it's one of the greatest things happening in this world.
Although many Chinese dishes are claimed with historical value, the reality is most of the popular Chinese cuisines didn't exist until 100 years ago. Without enough material from all over the world, some dishes are not possible to be invented.
For example, the dish “Stir-fried tomato and scrambled eggs” is a very common Chinese dish we can see today. Almost every Chinese student start cooking with this dish. There are many different styles of tomato and scrambled eggs, and this dish is one of the most favorite dishes across the whole China.
But, this dish was only invented within the recent 70 years, after Chinese were aware that tomatoes were not toxic.
Another example is spices. Most Chinese dishes we are tasting now require a spice like this:
With high density trains running in and out, spices from all over China gathered in Henan. This makes it possible to produce spice mix with all different kinds of spices. People from all over China came to Henan, providing customers and market for 13 spice mix. In turn, 13 spice mix was invented and gained huge success.
Let’s come back and take a look at American Chinese food. American Chinese food was invented when the first generation Chinese came to America after 1840s (much older than the dishes and spices we talked above). At the beginning, Chinese dishes were not welcomed among Americans. Rumors said Chinese eat mice. That’s actually because Chinese labor had to work and live in very terrible environment, with a lot of mice running around.
It was not until late 1800s, when the dish “Chop Suey” was invented by Wong Chin Foo, that Chinese dishes became accepted by Americans.

Catherine Feng
As a Chinese person that has eaten American Chinese food, I can say that there are many fundamental differences between American and true Chinese food. I think the differences are mainly based on the tastes and preferences of the people. American Chinese food caters to Americans, while Chinese food caters to Chinese.
One main thing that I notice is that American Chinese food is often a lot sweeter and also oiler than Chinese. I also tend to notice the usage of a lot of sweet soy sauce. Chinese food tends to be lighter and is often less sweet (the sweetness of American Chinese food strikes me as being too strong). I’ve also found that American Chinese food doesn’t get to be as spicy or flavorful as true Chinese food. Chinese food often contains different spices and condiments, and you can often taste the difference.
There are also many different branches of Chinese food, each of which originates from different parts of China. Each branch tastes different. Some are known for being extremely spicy, or for being sweet. It all depends on which area of China.
I believe all of these differences and changes occurred when Americans first began imitating and making Chinese food. I believe the main difference is often the materials used, as well as the seasoning. Americans season food differently than the Chinese, so I think the change happened naturally as Americans began making Chinese food.
I’m not sure how all Chinese people think about American Chinese food, but I tend to avoid it. Personally, I dislike how it tastes heavier than true Chinese food. I think that as a whole, Chinese people would see American Chinese food as a completely different version of their own dishes (like a separate branch of the cuisine or a different cuisine).


分類: 教育
時間: 2021-10-11



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