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英文翻譯:Taihe Chongbao, one of the ancient Chinese coins.

Taihe Heavy Treasure is a bronze coin made by King Jin Zhangzong in the fourth year taihe (1204). According to the history of Jin, Food and Goods Annals, "Taihe cast big money in August of 2004, one worth ten, seal script says' Taihe heavy treasure 'and banknotes involved in the line."

Since the founding of taizong Aguda in 1115, the Jin dynasty did not have its own currency for more than 40 years, and continued to use the old money of liao and Song Dynasties. The coinage of "Taihe" money facilitated currency exchange and promoted the circulation of commodities. "Taihe Heavy treasure" as far as qian wen is concerned, there are 玉箸篆 and thin gold body, as well as the lingering wind of the Northern Song Dynasty. "Tai He" means peaceful, auspicious, peaceful, peaceful, peaceful people mean. It is used to send good wishes to people.

"Taihe Heavy treasure" was cast by Wanyan Jing, the sixth emperor of the Jin Dynasty. After the Jin occupied the Central Plains, although they had their own writing, influenced by the advanced culture of the Han Nationality, the degree of Sinicization had been greatly improved. With the frequent trade between the Jin and Song dynasties, the coins of the Jin dynasty were basically in Chinese. These coins are very beautiful, the technical level is very high, the copper is good, the body is thick, the production is exquisite. The font is seal character body, pure and elegant, respectively located between the four lines, layout rules coordination; No words between the lines on her back. The edge of the coin is round and square, the ground is flat, the coin surface profile and four lines are deeply inlaid such as knife carving, no adhesion, consistent with the book. Four ridged holes in horizontal erect, standard dignified, beautiful. No less than the two Song Dynasties at the same time.

Taihe Chongbao (Four stripes)

Taihe Heavy treasure copper quality is excellent, body thick, exquisite production. Face text "Taihe heavy treasure 'four words for jade jin zhuan, straight reading, by literature, calligraphy everyone Party Huaiying book, the font is pure and elegant, beautiful. There are large and small samples and wide edge narrow edge and other formats, light back without text. Seal script Taihe heavy treasure handed down less, but because it belongs to the spring of great Beauty, is still deeply hidden money home love.

As can be seen from the beautiful picture, the rust color of this product is heavy, which has already generated a distinct but quite hard leather shell. The rust color goes to the bone and is naturally mottled. The copper color is reddish, and the green rust is erythematous. It is obvious that this spring is a big door, and those who know it at first sight will be eager to see it, and will quickly embrace it in their arms.

Fine kam its money, typical end of the United States, is Thailand and heavy treasure money point book meaning. The narrow edge of the money body, casting is very neat, the edge is round and profile is positive, the chapter is flat, the hole is clean, and the wheel is fine. It is the beauty of Taihe Qian Guan Furnace that is the appearance of the face.

Its product is on the back of the four lines, its ornamentation is clear, conspicuous shape. Therefore, it can be confirmed that it is the first type seen by Taihe Heavy Treasure so far, which is very rare. Font is seal character body, respectively located between the four lines, layout rules coordination; No words between the lines on her back. The edge of the coin is round and square, the ground is flat, the coin surface profile and four lines are deeply inlaid such as knife carving, no adhesion, consistent with the book. Four rims in the hole vertical erect, standard dignified, intact. Upload appreciation now. It's a real beauty. It's a treasure.

This coin patina nature, the bottom light is downy, so-called wrapped slurry is a natural formation of the oxide layer, also some people to hand wrapped slurry, the two different, but at the same time have to protect the function of money, like a plated coin on a layer of protective film, make money no longer oxidation, facilitate collection handed down from ancient times, if feel money is dirty, can wash, reoccupy cloth wipe, do not destroy the wrapped slurry, The destruction of patina is equivalent to the destruction of the protective layer, and more importantly, patina is the simplest and effective way to identify new and old coins. Take a close look at this coin and its appearance is perfect, no damage, damage, deformation and so on. It is a rare collection of coins. It is recommended to collect and pass down.

分類: 數碼
時間: 2021-12-03



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